Discount Schedule  09/11/23 7:50:34 AM

Corn Discount Schedule     Effective 9/11/2023
Moisture   Test Weight  Discount Per Bushel   Percent BCFM Discount Per Bushel   Percent Damage Discount Per Bushel
Drying charges will be 5.1/2 cents/point. Shrink is 1.4%/point. 54.0 Plus 0 Under 4 0 Under 5 0
53.9-53.0 0.02 4.1-5.0 0.02 5.1-6.0 0.01
52.9-52.0 0.04 5.1-6.0 0.04 6.1-7.0 0.02
51.9-51.0 0.07 6.1-7.0 0.06 7.1-8.0 0.04
50.9-50.0 0.10 7.1-8.0 0.08 8.1-9.0 0.06
49.9-49.0 0.14 8.1-9.0 0.10 9.1-10.0 0.08
Each pro-rated by each 1/10th point   9.1-10.0 0.12 10.1-11.0 0.10
*Below 49.0 # subject to rejection. See note below. + .04 / bu. For each lb. below 49 10.1-11.0 0.15 11.1-12.0 0.12
11.1-12.0 0.18
12.1-13.0 0.21 12.1-13.0 0.14
Contracted/ spot 15% moisture 13.1-14.0 0.24 13.1-14.0 0.16
  14.1-15.0 0.27 14.1-15.0 0.18
Over 15.1% FM is subject to rejection or .05 / point discount over 15% Over 15% Damage is subject to rejection
Condo/price later: 14%
* Corn under 48 TW Corn under 48 # test weight, if taken will be binned (dependant on space) as corn screenings and purchased as corn subject to the prevailing discount schedule above. 
Damage 15% maximum, over 15% subject to rejection (could be bought as corn screenings upon approval )
Heat Damage .2% allowed, over .2% subject to 2 cents each 1/10% thereof. 1% max, over 1% subject to rejection
Heating, Musty, Buggy Subject to rejection or 15 cent per bushel discount if unloaded. 
Sour Subject to rejection or 15 cent per bushel discount if unloaded. 
Cofo Commercially objectionable foreign odor, 10 cent discount or subject to rejection.
DLQ Distinctly low quality, subject to rejection ro 10 cent discount if unloaded. 
Rodent Pellets Subject to rejection. Discounted 10 cent per bushel per load affected if taken.  
Other than broken corn If it exceeds 1/2%, subject to 4 cent discount or rejection.
Non Uniformity Loads that have not been blended uniformly are subject to rejection. Any loads that are spiked, plugged or layered will be subject to rejection.
Averaging We are not averaging any grade factors.
Each load must show a disposition of one of the following: Contract, Spot, PL, or Condo
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